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If you are on this page, I assume you want to know more about me.  Well, my name is Johnaven.  Chimeric Muse is my artist name.  I’m a male.  I’m 25. I’m blah feet and blah inches tall.  I weigh blah hundred and blahty blah lbs.  Is that enough info for you? No? Then keep reading.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a passion for drawing and writing.  I had notebooks, pads, pencils, crayons, colored pencils, and lots of other stuff.  Lots of doodles, comics, short stories, and general tinkering around of ideas.  Creativity is a lifestyle, and that part of my life was awesome. This passion has even carried over into my “old age” of 25.  By that age, I had a few finished pieces (mainly my college work, where I was studying as a graphic design major).

Over time, I tried my hand in different types of creative endeavors. On the writing spectrum: Short Stories, Episodic Stories, poetry, plays/scripts and essays.  On the Art spectrum: Drawing (Pencil, Ink, Color Pencils, Charcoal, Pastels), Sequential Art (fancy term for making comics/graphic novels), Charcoal pics, Painting (Watercolor, Oil, Acryllic, Tempora, Digital), Illustration, Photography, Printmaking, Basket Weaving, Architecture of small scale models, Graphic Design, Clay Sculpture, Cardboard Design and Origami.  This list makes me sound super accomplished, but all I did was just try my hand in them.  I think of it as being a Jack of all Art, Master of None.

My true artistic baby, though, was a webcomic I started in 2005 called Niece Web.  That’s when I had a brief taste of my dream: to  create comics.  Don’t ask me why I have this dream, just that I’ve always had it.  This brief  taste was unlike anything I ever experienced.  My creative juices was flowing like a river.  I designed the website by scratch.  I created something like 80 comics from scratch, using traditional pencils and inks, along with digital coloring on Photoshop.  It was literally a culmination of my lifetime of artistic ability.

The comic had a nice year and a half run, but like all good things, it came to an end.  I decided I needed an artistic break.  Ever since then, I’ve been doing a big independent study on the basics of writing, drawing and the creative process in general, and its been a GREAT learning experience.   I had ZERO idea that these basics even existed, and having such knowledge has really opened my eyes to my old glass ceiling of talent.  I think I’m ready to come back to the art world, resuming my passion and putting my new found knowledge to good use.  That’s all good, except there’s one thing stopping me:

I lack motivation…

You see, I stopped doing anything creative since I ended Niece Web back in 2006, and I’m out of practice.  Reading about creativity is easier than actually putting in the work to do it.  Luckily my desire to do art has NEVER EVER left my mind, so I’m more than willing to regain this motivation.  This blog is my way of returning to the artist’s grind.  I’ll be creating new content for the blog, and writing about what’s out there in the creative world.

Was that enough info? It was practically an autobiography.  No, it wasn’t enough?  Well too bad, I’m done here.  Enjoy the site!

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