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Tag Archives: tone

***This is a continuation of the lesson learned from the Drawing Course: Task 1 (Form) post***

Task 2: Tone. Draw an object with a single light source, then move the light source to a new position and redraw.

Masking Tape- Light Source 1

Masking Tape- Light Source 1

My sketch of Masking Tape- Light Source 1

My sketch of the above masking tape

Masking Tape- Light Source 2

Masking Tape- Light Source 2

My Sketch of the other masking tape

My Sketch of the other masking tape

How did I do?

Right off the back, I realized that the light sources didn’t create that much of a difference on the masking tape.  Instead of the shadows moving onto different areas of the masking tape, the shadows only got deeper.  I did switch the light sources (1st light source is a lamp on the right, and the second is the outside light coming from the left), but the subject itself doesn’t allow for too many differences in tone.  Maybe I should revisit this task?

I mentioned in past posts that I hate drawing circles.  So when doing these tasks I chose objects that help me to get out of my comfort zone.  So that’s what lead to me choosing masking tape for this task.  An object that requires you to draw a perfect circle.

This was another tough task for me to complete.  Personally I thought the masking tapes came out sucky.  You can see the wobbliness of the lines as I tried to draw the circles and was hesitating a lot.

The tone of the objects came out average, I suppose.  As I mentioned earlier, the shadows on the masking tape weren’t different enough to warrant a second sketch.  I effectively made the tones darker for the second sketch, which they were.

Yea, I anticipate me becoming neurotic as I go through this book and complete these tasks.  My inner critic is going to drive me insane, lol.